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Iyengar Yoga Chair

How to use a yoga chair for practice

Yoga Chairs: The Ultimate Prop for All Yogis in South Africa.

Chair Yoga Support Sa
Chair Yoga Support Sa

Yoga chairs were originally created for B.K.S. Iyengar yoga, but they’ve since become a beloved yoga prop used by practitioners here in South Africa.

What makes yoga chairs unique is the open backrest and the extra bar between the legs, which adds extra stability—making it the ideal support for a variety of yoga asanas. Whether you’re looking for fun new yoga props to try or exploring new ways to deepen your practice, the yoga chair should definitely be on your list. At Billy The Bee Yoga we ensure we provide the best quality yoga chair in South Africa. 

Remember, not all chairs can be yoga chairs. What makes them unique is their backless design, the extra bar between the legs, and the non-slip grips, all of which provide added stability to ensure a safe and supported yoga practice.

Why We Love Yoga Chairs:

The beauty of yoga is that it’s for all bodies, even though we don’t all have the same mobility. That could be due to an injury, an ailment, or age. Yoga chairs offer accessible support for seated poses, making them perfect for yogis of all levels.

Support for Seated Poses

Iyengar Yoga Chair
Iyengar Yoga Chair

Seated poses like Cat-Cow, side stretches, twists, and toe taps work wonders for your back and core, and they even help strengthen your hip flexors. The beauty of seated poses with a yoga chair is that they’re engaging yet gentle, ideal for those with a limited range of movement. Poses like Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana) can be done with a yoga chair to reduce strain while maintaining alignment.

Aid in Standing Poses

Think of any standing pose you can do—a yoga chair will be your best friend. You can practice Warrior II, Triangle Pose, Standing L, Tree Pose, and so much more. This is especially helpful for those working on balance or recovering from injury. Whether you’re practising at home or in a yoga studio, a yoga chair adds incredible support for standing poses, making it a must-have yoga accessory.

Support for Backbends

Chair backbends are so fun to try! The yoga chair supports your lower back and hips so you can lean into a luxurious spinal curve, opening up the front line of your body. There are many ways to ease into Bridge Pose, from a gentle restorative backbend to a supported Eka Pada Viparita Dandasana. If you’re considering sustainable yoga products in South Africa, look for yoga chairs made with durable material like Stainless steel to enhance your backbend practice. That way you know it will last the test of time.

Assistance in Inversions:

Inversion Yoga Chair South Africa
Inversion Yoga Chair South Africa

Inversions can feel intimidating, but yoga chairs provide a safe surface to hold onto. They’re often used for inverted poses like Shoulder Stand, Headstand, and even Handstands. You can see in our latest reel how yoga chairs are a great way to activate your core and provide support as you lift. If you’re in South Africa and want to try something new, adding an inversion with a yoga chair might be the challenge you’re looking for.

These are just a few ways you can add a yoga chair into your practice. Let us know if you have any questions, or visit our store to try out a yoga chair for yourself.


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